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State Games Info

Special Olympics Virginia holds FOUR State Championships Competitions annually. These competitions are for all 32 Area Programs across Virginia. Though we’d love for every athlete, every coach, every team and every chaperone to attend State Competitions, it’s just not possible. We understand that those are not selected will be disappointed, but know that our volunteer coaches have a VERY tough decision to make when it comes to State Games Selections, especially when you are limited on how many individuals you can bring. The chaperone to athlete ratio is 4:1, which means every parent, guardian, friend and/or family member cannot chaperone every athlete.

The State Games Competitions are as follows:

FALL CHAMPIONSHIPS (Fall Sports) in Virginia Beach, VA in early November.
[] 800+ Volunteers
[] 1200+ Athletes
[] 7 Sports
[] 200 Coaches

SPEED SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS in Virginia Beach, VA in early February.
[] 25+ Volunteers
[] 38+ Athletes
[] 9 Competitions

BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS in Henrico, VA in late February.
[] 200+ Volunteers
[] 900+ Athletes
[] 150 Coaches

SUMMER GAMES (Spring Sports) in Richmond, VA in early June.
[] 2000+ Volunteers
[] 1400+ Athletes
[] 5 Sports
[] 350 Coaches